Business secret: “I faked my company name to travel during Covid”


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Metro-job-ass… Workers tell us their little secrets and big professional failures. In our third episode, Thomas forged a professional certificate to travel during a health crisis.

Based on 43 years of contribution, the French would spend around 70,000 hours at work in their lifetime. Enough for commit some unrecognized and unspeakable acts. Today Thomas (1), 35 years old, salesman in Paris.

“It was in the spring of 2021, during the curfew. We were no longer allowed to travel, but everyone took advantage of the loophole and went to Guadeloupe and Martinique during their annual vacation. However, I worked remotely in a dimly lit, poorly insulated and cold ground floor. It was very depressing: I started to lose my temper. Unlike others, I worked for nothing for a year. We no longer had traffic in advertising. It was very difficult and my parents, who live in the mountains, didn’t want me to come see them because of the virus. I didn’t have a valve.

Read the previous episode

“One day a friend – who traveled a lot – told me about a good plan: Saint-Martin, in the West Indies. The airport is in the Dutch zone, because the island is divided, so it was not controlled in the same way. I said to myself, I’m going there for three weeks. Tickets were not very expensive, I p

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