“Cyberterrorism”, “masculinism”, “platism”: words debuting in Le Petit Larousse Illustrated 2025.

As every year, around 150 new terms have been integrated. Among them: “megabassine”, “fast-fashion”, “skatepark” or even “agrotoxic”.


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Books in a bookstore, in Paris, February 5, 2024. (RICCARDO MILANI / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

Every year it’s the same ritual: dictionaries discover new words to include in their annual revised edition. Le Petit Larousse 2025, which is scheduled to be released on May 22, has already revealed its new features. Among them, “masculinism” (a movement that believes that men suffer from the emancipation of women), “flatism” (the fact that the Earth is believed to be flat) or even “cyberterrorism” (computer attacks carried out against states, public authorities or private companies).

In about 150 new words, a significant part refers to environmental issues, as shown by the terms “megabasin” (referring to reservoirs of water intended for agricultural irrigation, criticized by their opponents who condemn the monopolization of resources) or even “agrotoxic” (describing substances that are used in agriculture and may show a certain degree of toxicity).

“Eco gesture” and “fast fashion”

“In the face of all these concerns, our society seems to be looking for solutions, with words like ‘eco-gesture’ or the new meaning given to ‘greening’ (becoming more environmentally friendly) and the terms ‘zero waste’ and ‘ eternal polluter'”listed in columns Figaro Carine Girac-Marinier, director of the dictionary and encyclopedia department.

The list of new words, which is still long, includes the terms “make visible”, “deanonymize”, “fast-fashion”, “scooter”, “ultra-trail” and even “skatepark”.

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